
Wydział Fizyki i Astronomii,
pl. Maxa Borna 9,
50-204 Wrocław,

Sekretariat Instytutu Fizyki Teoretycznej
tel.: 71 375 94 08
71 375 95 66, 71 375 92 86

Sekretariat Instytutu Fizyki Doświadczalnej
tel. 71 375 93 02

Sekretariat Instytutu Astronomii
tel.: 71 337 80 60, 71 372 93 73, 71 337 80 61

tel.: 71 375 94 04

godziny otwarcia dziekanatu:
(w środy nieczynny)

It's not Higgs's fault that you're so heavy! / To nie wina Higgs'a, że jesteś taki ciężki! (liceum)

Wykład w języku angielskim / Lecture in english

When the Higgs particle was discovered at CERN in 2012, there were many articles in the media describing how all the particles get their masses from the Higgs particle. However, most of the mass of the matter around us does not arise from the interaction with the Higgs, but from the interaction binding quarks and gluons to protons and neutrons. In this talk I will describe both the Higgs mechanism creating mass for particles, how protons and neutrons gain their mass, and our attempts to create matter where quarks and gluons are not bound to protons and neutrons – which is not massless!

C. Juszczak © 2010-2013 - Wydział Fizyki i Astronomii, Uniwersytet Wrocławski