
Wydział Fizyki i Astronomii,
pl. Maxa Borna 9,
50-204 Wrocław,

Sekretariat Instytutu Fizyki Teoretycznej
tel.: 71 375 94 08
71 375 95 66, 71 375 92 86

Sekretariat Instytutu Fizyki Doświadczalnej
tel. 71 375 93 02

Sekretariat Instytutu Astronomii
tel.: 71 337 80 60, 71 372 93 73, 71 337 80 61

tel.: 71 375 94 04

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22.03.2014 godz. 00:00

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Zapraszamy do odwiedzenia i polubienia naszego profilu facebook.com/wfiauwr.

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07.06.2012 godz. 11:59

Cubesat - Satellites the Size of 1/2 Gallon of Milk

Imagine a fully instrumented satellite the size of a half-gallon milk carton. Small low-cost satellite payloads, built mainly by students and hitching rides into orbit on Air Force and NASA launch vehicles, have been making recent history in successes many herald as a 'space revolution.'
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15.06.2011 godz. 09:09

Całkowite zaćmienie Księżyca 15 czerwca

O ile pogoda dopisze, wieczorem 15 czerwca (środa) będziemy świadkami całkowitego zacmienia Księżyca. To pierwsze z dwóch takich zaćmień, które będą miały miejsce w tym roku. Drugie nastąpi 10 grudnia.
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11.01.2011 godz. 19:53

A Huge Solar Filament Erupts

Explanation: Click the arrow and watch an unusually long filament explode out from the Sun. The filament had been seen hovering over the Sun's surface for over a week before it erupted earlier this month. The image sequence was taken by the Earth-orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in a colour of ultraviolet light specifically emitted by helium. The explosion created Coronal Mass Ejections which dispersed high energy plasma into the Solar System. This plasma cloud, though, missed the Earth and so did not cause aurorae. The above eruption and an unusually expansive eruption that occurred in August are showing how widely separated areas of the Sun can sometimes act in unison. Explosions like this will likely become more common over the next few years as our Sun moves toward Solar Maximum activity.
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29.09.2010 godz. 12:52

Ile znamy asteroid - film

Nieprawdopdobny postęp, jaki astronomia poczyniła w ciągu ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat jest rzeczą oczywistą. Wiemy o tym, jednak dosyć trudno ten skalę tego postępu zobrazować. W 1980 znaliśmy "tylko" ok. 10000 planetoid. W 2010 - ponad 500000.
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18.09.2010 godz. 18:48

Missing Piece Inspires New Look at Mars Puzzle

(PhysOrg.com) -- Experiments prompted by a 2008 surprise from NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander suggest that soil examined by NASA's Viking Mars landers in 1976 may have contained carbon-based chemical building blocks of life.
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02.08.2010 godz. 13:26

NASA Telescope Finds Elusive Buckyballs in Space for First Time

Astronomers have discovered carbon molecules, known as 'buckyballs,' in space for the first time. Buckyballs are soccer-ball-shaped molecules that were first observed in a laboratory 25 years ago.
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C. Juszczak © 2010-2013 - Wydział Fizyki i Astronomii, Uniwersytet Wrocławski