Detailed recruitment conditions for the academic year 2021/2022 are described in the table below. Please make sure that the complete set of documents is delivered on time by the deadline of 23 June 2022. Documents can be submitted in person or sent by post. Documents sent by post should arrive by June 23, 2022. A detailed recruitment schedule can be found in the „RECRUITMENT SCHEDULE” tab.


In particularly justified cases, pursuant to § 11 sec. 3 and 4 of the Resolution No. 140/2021 of the Senate of the University of Wrocław on the rules of recruitment to the Doctoral School of the University of Wrocław, it is possible to submit documents by 23 June 2022 ONLY in electronic form via the recruitment website In this case, a written application of the candidate is required, and the documents in paper version should be delivered by 23 September 2022.

(IRK Recruitment guide for foreign students is available HERE)


 Faculty Name Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
 Name of the Doctoral Shool The Doctoral School of Physics and Astronomy
Scientific discipline / disciplines  Physical Sciences / Astronomy
1. The form of the recruitment procedure Oral Interview (stationary or remote, depending on the epidemic situation)
2. Scope of the entry oral interview A two-part oral interview, each part evaluated on a scale of 0-30 points; In justified cases the interview can be conducted remotely by means of internet communication platform chosen by the recruitment commission. In such a case, the candidate is required to submit a written agreement for the recording of the interview. The first part of the interview concerns the candidate’s master/bachelor thesis and other scientific achievements. In this part the candidate is required to present a short summary of his thesis and potentially other scientific achievements obtained during the studies (e.g. scholarships, publications, participation in research, participation in grants, schools, conferences, scholarships and awards). The second part of the interview concerns the candidate’s research and development plans, general knowledge of physics / astronomy (depending on the selected scientific discipline) and knowledge of important issues and discoveries directly related to the possible current research work and planned research of the candidate. Knowledge of physics / astronomy will be assessed on the basis of the candidate’s answers to questions from the Recruitment Committee.
3. Recommended literature Speciality: theoretical physics1)    Quantum mechanics: L.I. Schiff, „Quantum Mechanics”

2)    Statistical Physics:  Kerson Huang, „Statistical Mechanics”

3)    Quantum field theory: M. E. Peskin and D.V. Schroeder, „An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory”

4)    Elementary particle theory: Ta-Pei Cheng and Ling-Fong Li, „Gauge theory of elementary particle physics”

5)    Tao Pang, „An Introduction to Computational Physics”, Cambridge University Press (2008)

6)    J. Kwapień, S. Drożdż „Physical Approach to Complex Systems”, Physics Reports. 515 (2012) 115-226

7)    General relativity: R. De’Inverno, „Introducing Einstein’s Relativity”

Speciality: experimental physics

1)    R. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, M. Sands, „The Feynman Lectures on Physics”

2)    Charles Kittel, „Introduction to Solid State Physics”

3)    W. N. Cottingham, D. A. Greenwood, „An Introduction to Nuclear Physics”

4)    Eugene Hecht, „Optics”

Speciality: astrophysics

1)    H. Karttunen, P. Kröger, H. Oja, M. Poutanen, K. J. Donner, „Fundamental Astronomy”

2)    „Astronomy”, a collective work available at:

3)    B. W. Carroll, D. A. Ostlie, „An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics”

4)    R. Kippenhahn, A. Weigert, A. Weiss, „Stellar Structure and Evolution”

5)    D. F. Gray, „The Observation and Analysis of Stellar Photospheres”

6)    Lecture Notes on Stellar Structure and Evolution”, PDF available at:

Speciality: heliophysics

1)    H. Karttunen, P. Kröger, H. Oja, M. Poutanen, K. J. Donner, „Fundamental Astronomy”

2)    „Astronomy”, a collective work available at:

3)    M. Stix, „The Sun – An Introduction”

4)    M. Aschwanden, „Physics of the Solar Corona”

5)    P. V. Foukal, „Solar Astrophysics”

6)    O. Engvold, J-C. Vial, A. Skumanich, „The Sun as a Guide to Stellar Physics”

7)    K. J. H. Phillips, „Guide to the Sun”


4. Candidate evaluation criteria
  Detailed evaluation criteria In both parts of the oral interview, points will be given based on the quality and merit of the thesis, the nature of the scientific achievements earned during the previous studies and the candidate’s research plan. Additionally, In the second part of the interview, the candidate’s general knowledge of physics / astronomy (depending on the selected scientific discipline) as well as knowledge of important issues and discoveries directly related to the candidate’s current research work and planned research will be assessed.
Minimum number of points required for acceptance No less than 30 points total, with no less than 10 points in each individual part of the interview;
Maximum possible score 60 points
5. Language of the recruitment procedure   Polish or English
6. Required documents 1) Application for admission to the Doctoral School printed from the IRK/IRC system, signed by the candidate along with a written consent to process personal data for the purpose of the recruitment procedure and potential education in the Doctoral School of the University of Wrocław;

2) One photograph of the candidate, compliant with the requirements for issuing identity documents (passport, ID card), image dimensions 35 mm x 45 mm;

3) A photocopy of the candidate’s diploma of second degree university qualifications, uniform master studies or equivalent. The candidate must also present the original for verification. It is acceptable to submit a certificate of graduation, referred to below, issued by a domestic university;

4) According to art. 186 paragraph 2 of the Law on Higher Education it is possible that persons who have the highest quality of scientific achievements may apply for admission to the Doctoral College of Physics and Astronomy without having a master’s degree, but when is a graduated bachelor studies, or when has completed the third year of uniform master’s studies and has the status of a student. In order to confirm the fulfillment of the condition referred to in Art. 186 paragraph 2 of the Law on Higher Education, the candidate is also required to submit:

A) two written opinions confirming the high quality of scientific research and confirming the high level of advancement of these works, issued by academic supervisors with at least an associate professor degree or employees of a foreign university or scientific institution who have significant achievements in the field of scientific issues related to the planned research work PhD student,


B) certificate of the status of the beneficiary of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education „Diamond Grant” program;

In addition, in this case, the candidate also submits a photocopy of the bachelor studies diploma (with the original for inspection to confirm compliance by the university) or a certificate from the dean’s office confirming the completion of the third year of uniform master’s studies and a diploma supplement containing a list of attended and completed courses with grades; Diplomas obtained abroad require authentication in the form of legalization or apostille;

5) Diploma supplement containing a list of attended courses with grades;

6) Digital version of the bachelor/ master thesis provided on any data carrier

7) A written statement by the desired/planned supervisor /supervisors confirming their willingness to take on this role, if the candidate is admitted to the College, and a written opinion of the planned supervisor about the doctoral student;

8) The candidate may provide additional written opinions or letters of recommendation;

9) The candidate’s written statement informing if he/she holds a doctoral title, is an academic teacher, scientific employee or a PhD student in a different college of the University of Wrocław’s Doctoral School or at different Doctoral School (based on the official statement template);

10) Confirmation of recruitment fee payment;


Foreigners need to additionally provide:

1) curriculum vitae;

2) a certificate of English proficiency (B2 level);

3) A Polish translation of the candidate’s diploma or other documents granting the ability to study in the Doctoral School. The translation needs to be certified by a sworn translator (included in the list of sworn translators of the Polish Ministry of Justice), a sworn translator of an EU country if said country has an institution of a sworn translator, or the Polish Consul;

4) A photocopy of the candidate’s residence permit. The candidate may be allowed to provide this photocopy after a successful admission into the Doctoral School.


the candidate is responsible for the accuracy of all provided documents and statements;

7. Admission limit (additionally, the potential admission limit within research projects) 9 (+6) 
8. Additional information Two recruitment dates are planned: June (second half of the month) and September (mid-month), if the admission limits are not reached in June.