Title: Organic Molecules Interacting with Defects
Supervisor: Dr hab. Assoc. Prof. Grażyna Antczak (Institute of Experimental Physics, UWr),
Summary: In the project we plan to study the influence of chemical and structural defects on the growth of molecular layer. We plan to answer the question how many defects are required to steer the properties of the entire thin film? We will use small amounts of oxygen pre-adsorbed on silver surfaces and introduce defects by gentle ion sputtering to change the growth mode of various phthalocyanine derivates. For investigation we will apply the Anderson method to measure quantitatively the work function change, which is a property being important for many electronic devices. Structural data will be obtained by low energy electron diffraction and scanning tunnelling microscopy. Thermal desorption spectroscopy will be used to quantify the amount of defects and molecules on the surface and the desorption energy. There will be collaboration with Johannes Kepler University in Linz where the optical reflectance during film growth will be monitored.

Title: Influence of Light on the Growth of Phthalocyanine Layers
Supervisor: Dr hab. Assoc. Prof. Grażyna Antczak (Institute of Experimental Physics, UWr),
Summary: The phthalocyanines are widely studied organic molecules due to their promising properties for active layers in electronic devices. Upon deposition of such molecular films, one observes often a Stranski-Krastanov growth mode. In the project we plan to study the influence of photon energy used during deposition on the mode of molecular growth. The project will be carried out in collaboration with scientists from Johannes Kepler University in Linz where the optical reflectance during film growth will be monitored and photoemission  electron microscopy will be used for morphology examination. In Wrocław, the molecular growth will be monitored by Anderson method and the integrity of the molecular layers will be studied by LEED. For the project we also plan to perform measurements in the National Center of Synchrotron Radiation Solaris in Cracow.

Title: Quantum Structure of Spacetime and Deformed Quantum Mechanics
Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Borowiec (Institute of Theoretical Physics, UWr),
Summary: Noncommutativity between positions and momenta combined with commutativity of positions and momenta themselves expressed in terms of Hilbert space operators are at the heart of Quantum Mechanics known as Heisenberg uncertainty principle or canonical commutation relations (CCR). One of the modern approaches to accommodate possible quantum gravity effects which are expected at short distances (Planck length) or high energy scales (Planck mass), relies on space-time noncommutativity of positions.  Noncommutativity of space-time coordinates realizes the idea of minimal length and requires a generalization of space-time symmetries that have been replaced by quantum symmetries or quantum groups. The program will focus on understanding physical implications of modified space-time structures and creating new deformed quantum mechanical models. Among various algebraic and analytic methods to achieve this goal the techniques of noncommutative geometry along with (star-product) deformation quantization of quantum mechanical phase space (CCR) should be employed.

Title: A Clue to the Origin of Blue Stragglers from Seismic Investigations of SX Phoenicis Stars
Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz (Astronomical Institute, UWr),
Summary: Blue stragglers are Population II stars that are brighter and bluer than the cluster turnoff. The origin of these objects may be from binary mass transfer, stellar mergers, or collisions during dynamical encounters. An important circumstance is that many blue stragglers cross the classical instability strip and pulsate. Then, they become SX Phe variables. Reconstructing the pulsation properties of SX Phe stars can shed light on the formation and evolution of blue straggler stars. The aim of the PhD project is identification of pulsational modes and construction of seismic models of selected multimodal SX Phe stars. The models will be computed using MESA code (including the BINARY module) and linear/nonlinear non-adiabatic pulsational codes.

Title: Asteroseismic Inferences on Diffusion in A and F-Type Stars
Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz (Astronomical Institute, UWr),
Summary: Atomic diffusion is a basic physical process that mix stellar matter.  In the case of the Sun the inclusion of diffusion results from the requirement for the best agreement with helioseismology. However, it is still not clear if atomic diffusion works with the same efficiency in other stars. The aim of the PhD project is to obtain constraints on diffusion from asteroseismic studies of delta Scuti variables. In these pulsators, for example, helium diffusion can affect period ratios, amplitudes and phases of the light curves as well as mode excitation. Seismic models for selected delta Sct stars will be computed using MESA code and nonadiabatic pulsational code.

Title: Stellar Flares Search and Analysis for the TESS Data
Supervisor: Dr hab. Robert Falewicz, (Astronomical Institute, UWr),
Summary: The detection of stellar flares for observations with 2-minute cadence during the TESS mission, will be carried out with qualitative and quantitative analysis, with special emphasis on the stars of late spectral types. The flare amplitude, duration, energy and occurrence rates will be studied, as well as how they are related to the spectral type and rotation period. The obtained results will be compared with observations in other ranges of electromagnetic waves for a comprehensive analysis of selected events.

Title: Precipitation Depths of the Non-thermal Electrons in the Solar Flares
Supervisor: Dr hab. Robert Falewicz, (Astronomical Institute, UWr),
Summary: Main physical processes involved in energy conversion, transfer, deposition and losses in solar flares are investigated so far fragmentarily only. However, their understanding is crucial for solving the most important problems, like a reliable prediction of solar flares’ magnitudes, emitted spectra (including very important and relatively easily accessible spectra in the visible domain), expected emissions of high-energy particles and other issues related to the space weather. The main topic of work will be a construction of the detailed physical and numerical model of the flaring plasma confined in a magnetic loop, with the special interest in plasma properties and physical processes in feet of the loops. An in-deep understanding of the physical processes acting on these energy deposition layers of the solar flares is crucial for precise modelling of the most basic processes that define their properties.

Title: Investigation of Quasi-Periodic Modulations on the Stars of Late Spectral Types
Supervisor: Dr hab. Robert Falewicz, (Astronomical Institute, UWr),
Summary: Quasi-periodic modulations of the stellar light curve may result from dark spots crossing the visible stellar disc. Owing to differential rotation, spots at different latitudes generally have different rotation periods. Using the light curves from TESS satellite and the BASSMAN package to fit spot models of different complexities, will constructed starspots distribution on individual stars. These models will then be tested to reveal a connection between the starspots and the stellar flares, in order to provide insight into the overall stellar magnetic field.

Title: Deep Learning in Physics
Supervisor: Dr hab. Assoc. Prof. Krzysztof Graczyk (Institute of Theoretical Physics, UWr),
Summary: The project concerns studies and applications of deep learning methods in physics. Three directions of research are distinguished:
1) Deep learning systems studied within quantum field theory tools;
2) Deep learning methods in Monte Carlo simulations of neutrino-nuclei;
3) Deep learning methods in quantum mechanics.

Title: Physics of Neutrino-Nucleon Interactions
Supervisor: Dr hab. Assoc. Prof. Krzysztof Graczyk (Institute of Theoretical Physics, UWr),
Summary: The project concerns two aspects:
1) Model dependence in neutrino-nucleus and nuclei scattering.
2) Single Pion Production in Neutrino-Nucleon Scattering

Title: q-de Sitter Symmetries in Four-Dimensional Quantum Gravity: An Interplay Between Cosmological Constant and Planck Mass
Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman (Institute of Theoretical Physics, UWr),
Summary: It is well understood that (2+1) D gravity with cosmological constant Λ can be formulated as a topological Chern-Simons theory (Witten). Recent works have established that coupled to point particles, the theory leads to a (q-) deformation quantization of the relativistic symmetries characterizing the particle dynamics. We aim to generalize to generalize these results to four-dimensions relying on a formulation of gravity (with Λ) as a SO (4,1) „BF-theory” plus an additional term that breaks down the symmetry to SO (3,1), coupled to point particles (as Wilson lines of gravitational field).

Title: Percolation at Criticality
Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Koza (Institute of Theoretical Physics, UWr),
Summary: Percolation is one of the simplest models that exhibits critical behaviour. The aim of the PhD project is to develop enhanced numerical methods of investigating percolation at criticality: its location in the parameter space and its main characteristics, like critical exponents and universal crossing probabilities. The project belongs to the field of computational physics. The candidate should have some background in programming, preferably in C/C++. A completed course in statistical physics will be much welcome.

Title: Multiphase Low Under Gravity
Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Koza (Institute of Theoretical Physics, UWr),
Summary: Understanding the flow of solid objects, e.g., sand grains, carried by viscous, presumably non-Newtonian liquid, is of high technological importance.  The aim of the PhD project is to investigate selected aspects of such flows numerically and investigate how their characteristics depend on physical parameters like Reynolds number or solid phase number density. The project belongs to the field of computational physics–computational fluid dynamics. The candidate should have strong background in programming, preferably in C/C++. A completed course in fluid dynamics, computational fluid dynamics, differential equations or numerical methods will be much welcome.

Title: Anisotropy of Flow in Grain Packings
Supervisor: Dr hab. Assoc. Prof. Maciej Matyka (Institute of Theoretical Physics, UWr),
Summary: Porous media are ubiquitous in nature. They may consist of grains tightly packed into macroscopic structures. In experiments, samples should be large enough to be free of anisotropy. One of the simple criteria is the sample length to grain size L/a ratio. We have discussed it for random samples before [1]. In this project we will investigate L/a ratio in grain packings (see Fig. From [2]). Project results will be useful for geologists and experimentalists working with real samples.
PhD tasks will include:
– simulations of packings (Discrete Element Methods),
– simulations of fluid flows (the Lattice Boltzmann Method),
– visualization and analysis of results.
Key knowledge required in the project: C++/Python/Fluid Simulations/Linux.
[1] Matyka, M., Koza, Z., Gołembiewski, J., Kostur, M., Januszewski, M.,
Anisotropy of flow in stochastically generated porous media, Phys. Rev. E 88, 023018 (2013)
[2] Khalili, A., Morad, M. R., Matyka, M., Liu, B., Malekmohammadi,
R., Weise, J., Kuypers, M. M. M., Porosity variation below a fluid-porous interface,
Chemical Engineering Science, 107, pp. 311-316 (2014)

Title: Development of the Lattice Boltzmann Model at tau=1
Supervisor: Dr hab. Assoc. Prof. Maciej Matyka (Institute of Theoretical Physics, UWr),
Summary: We have recently introduced the simplified Lattice Boltzmann (LBM) method [1]. Its main feature is an outstanding memory efficiency compared to standard
LBM. The main goal is to develop the basic solver further, i.e. for GPU computation. A specific task will be to compute the largest possible Reynolds number Driven Cavity Flow simulation (see Re=3200 result from [1]). Then we will investigate its new feasible applications (i.e. fractals, multiphase flow, gray porous media, biophysical flows).
PhD candidate will work on:
– writing C++/Python implementation of the LBMTau1 solver [1]
– extend for the parallel environment (i.e. GPU)
– use and test for new applications
[1] Matyka, M., Memory-efficient Lattice Boltzmann Method for low Reynolds number flows, arXiv:1912.09327 (2019)

Title: Artificial Intelligence Methods Applied to Time Series Analysis and Modelling
Supervisor: Dr hab. Janusz Miśkiewicz (Institute of Theoretical Physics, UWr),
Summary: The artificial intelligence and machine learning methods are rapidly growing, particularly in forecasting and pattern recognition. The proposed research would be focused on estimating limitations of the artificial intelligence methods in fractal time series analysis. It gives also an exceptional chance to master artificial intelligence and machine learning methods, the methods with are the rapidly growing importance in science and industry.

Title: Deriving Atmospheric Parameters and Other Physical Properties of Stars Observed Spectroscopically with the LAMOST Instrument
Supervisor: Dr hab. Joanna Molenda-Żakowicz (Astronomical Institute, UWr),
Summary: This project would concern analysis of low resolution spectra acquired with the LAMOST instrument. The aim would be to derive the atmospheric parameters (the effective temperature, the surface gravity, and the average metallicity), the kinematic parameters (the radial velocity, and projected rotational velocity), and detection of spectral peculiarities (emission-line stars, active stars). This project would concern stars of different spectral types (from B to M) falling into the field of view of the Kepler mission, which were observed with the Kepler telescope but which lack determinations of those fundamental characteristics.

Title: Spectroscopic Study of the Phenomenon of the Chemically Peculiar Stars of Lambda Bootis Type
Supervisor: Dr hab. Joanna Molenda-Żakowicz (Astronomical Institute, UWr),
Summary: This project would concern analysis of high resolution spectra acquired with the SALT instrument for the chemically-peculiar stars of the lambda Bootis type on the southern hemisphere. The aim of this project would be to address the still unsolved problem of the creation of those stars. By confirming the classification to the lambda Bootis type and then computing the atmospheric parameters (the effective temperature and the surface gravity), deriving element abundances, and the kinematic parameters (the radial velocity, and projected rotational velocity), the results of this project could help studying the properties and genesis of those stars.

Title: Formulation of Vector and Spin-1/2 Field Theory in Non-Commutative Spacetime
Supervisor: Dr Giacomo Rosati (Institute of Theoretical Physics, UWr),
Summary: The main focus of the proposed project is on the non-commutative spacetime of kappa-Minkowski type with kappa-Poincaré (Hopf algebra) symmetries. This scenario is particularly relevant for quantum gravity and quantum gravity phenomenology. The free scalar field theory in kappa-Minkowski/kappa-Poincaré framework is well understood, including a recent characterization of its discrete symmetries. The project aims at formulating a satisfactory model for a vector and spin-1/2 field theory in kappa-Minkowski, characterizing the discrete symmetries of the theory, and explore the interacting field sector, aiming to formulate quantum gravity corrections to lowest order Feynman diagrams of QED.

Title: Properties of the Quark-gluon Plasma
Supervisor: Dr hab. Assoc. Prof. Chichiro Sasaki (Institute of Theoretical Physics, UWr),
Summary: Under extreme conditions such as high temperature and/or density, quarks and gluons are not confined inside hadrons but behave as a state of matter, called the quark-guon plasma (QGP). Although a large set of indications in heavy-ion experiments has been measured, its transport properties and collectivity require more comprehensive study. In this PhD project, we utilize a class of EFTs and a quasi-particle approach to handle non-perturbative natures around the QCD phase transition and to quantify the particle production with heavy flavored quarks.

Title: Interplay Between Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
Supervisor: Dr hab. Assoc. Prof. Chichiro Sasaki (Institute of Theoretical Physics, UWr),
Summary: Asymptotic freedom is the fundamental feature of QCD and leads to color confinement and chiral symmetry breaking. Yet, their interplay is the unsolved issue both in vacuum and in matter. In this PhD project, we carry out a comprehensive study of the chiral symmetry restoration and deconfinement within EFTs with special emphasis to be put on the chromo-magnetic and electric gluons which carry the central non-trivial physics in QCD.

Title: Properties of Hadrons in Vacuum and in Matter
Supervisor: Dr hab. Assoc. Prof. Chichiro Sasaki (Institute of Theoretical Physics, UWr),
Summary: Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) underlies the physics of hadrons composed of more elementary particles, quarks and gluons, whereas it remains unestablished how to describe analytically the hadron interactions in terms of fundamental degrees of freedom. Effective field theories (EFTs) are the modern and systematic framework to quantify the physics of the hadrons based on relevant symmetries. It is the main scope in this PhD project to study the properties of the hadrons and their modifications in medium and to find a potential signature of a phase transition to be measured in experiments of relativistic heavy-ion collisions and in astronomical observations.

Title: Neutrino-nucleus interactions as a Window to Investigate Matter-antimatter Asymmetry in the Universe
Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. Jan Sobczyk (Institute of Theoretical Physics, UWr),
Summary: The goal is to perform theoretical and/or computational investigation of neutrino scattering off nuclei. Results will be used by experimental groups searching for CP violation in the leptonic sector which in turn can help understanding matter-antimatter asymmetry observed in the Universe.