Description of the teaching program:

The aim of education is to prepare for the submission of a doctoral thesis and to conduct independent scientific and teaching activities in the field of physical sciences or astronomy. The education period is four years (eight semesters) and ends with the submission of a doctoral thesis. The education of doctoral students follows both the general teaching programme (UWr Senate Resolution no 161/2020 – link below) and an individual research project (IRP) conducted in collaboration with a supervisor, fulfilling learning outcomes on the 8 PRK qualification level.

The education program contains mandatory general courses (organized for all Colleges of the Doctoral School), e.g. legal basis of scientific activities, copyright law in science, rules for preparing grant proposals etc. and mandatory courses from the educational offer of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy related to the specifics of the College, in the form of seminars, tutorials and specialized lectures. Among these courses, the Doctoral and Institute seminars fulfill a special role of allowing the College participants to present the results of their research. Doctoral students can also participate in other, optional, classes carried out at the University of Wrocław, in order to increase their knowledge and abilities. In addition, doctoral students take part in a mandatory professional apprenticeship consisting of conducting, independently or collectively, classes for other students.

The primary responsibility of a doctoral student in the College is the implementation of the research project, i.e. conducting scientific research at a level that allows obtaining a PhD degree in the discipline of physical sciences or astronomy. The form of this implementation must comply with the general rules of conduct of the Doctoral School, while the specifics are upon agreement and evaluated by the supervisor of the doctoral thesis.


Detailed program – UWr Senate Resolution no 161/2020 on the education programs in the Doctoral School.

Graduate profile – knowledge, abilities, social skills:

A graduate of the Doctoral College of Physics and Astronomy in the discipline of physical sciences or astronomy is prepared to independently undertake creative scientific work in his field and to publish the results of this work in accordance with the formal and ethical rules of the scientific community. He possesses knowledge necessary to carry out scientific research, to select the appropriate methods for the intended research goals, to correctly interpret and disseminate the findings. He can apply in practice the research methods necessary to conduct scientific research and to appropriately present the results. He is prepared to independently undertake publishing activity, participate in scientific discussions, apply for research funding. He achieved social skills necessary to conduct scientific activities, including the ability to critically evaluate findings, initiate actions in the public interest and is aware of ethical rules present in science.

Detailed education outcomes:

Knowledge: knows and understands, at a level allowing revision of existing paradigms, global achievements, including theoretical basics as well as general and select specific topics of physical sciences or astronomy, the main development trends in these disciplines, research methodology and rules of dissemination of scientific findings, is aware of the fundamental dilemmas of the modern civilization, economic, legal and other considerations of scientific activities, basic principles of knowledge transfer to the economic and social sphere and the commercialization of findings and associated know-how.

Abilities: can apply his knowledge of physical sciences or astronomy to creatively identify, formulate and innovatively solve complex problems or to perform tasks of scientific nature, in particular:

  • define the objective and subject of scientific study, formulate research hypotheses
  • develop research methods, techniques and tools and apply them creatively
  • form conclusions based on findings

Can critically analyze and evaluate findings in the discipline of physical sciences or astronomy, as well as expert activities and other creative work and its impact on the advancement of knowledge, transfer the results of scientific activities to the economic and social sphere, communicate on specialized topics at a level allowing active participation in the international scientific community, popularize scientific findings, initiate debate and take part in scientific discourse, communicate in a foreign language at B2 level with a proficiency allowing participation in the international scientific and professional community. Plan and realize, individually and in a team, scientific projects, including in an international environment, independently plan and act in the interest of self-improvement and inspire others, plan classes or course groups and conduct them using state-of-the-art methods and tools.

With regard to social skills he is prepared to: critically evaluate achievements in the field of physical sciences or astronomy, critically evaluate his own contribution to the progress of the chosen discipline, recognize the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems, fulfills the social obligation of researchers and creators. In addition, he initiates actions in the public’s interest, thinks and acts in an entrepreneurial manner, maintains and develops the scientific ethos, including: – conducts scientific activities independently, – respects the rule of public ownership of scientific findings in accordance with the rules of intellectual property protection.

Additional information:

Students of the Doctoral College of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Wrocław’s Doctoral School will take part in the scientific work conducted in the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics or Astronomical Institute, under the tutelage of renowned specialists and in collaboration with the leading national and foreign research institutions. They will take part in international conferences, partially funded by the Doctoral Student Council and the College. They will be included in the activities of the Institutes and subordinate research Divisions, where they will learn the principles of scientific work, both individual and team based, in a multinational environment. They will receive all necessary help in conducting their own research projects. They will take part in training courses concerning rules and good practices of submitting grant applications and writing scientific publications. They will contribute to the organizational work of the University, the Faculty and their home institutes, including the organization of international conferences. They will prepare popular lectures for public in physical sciences or astronomy and other dissemination science events. They will also take part in Institute and Division seminars, where they will present the results of their research and will develop skills of self-presentation in a scientific environment.

PhD students will gain an opportunity to take part in the work of the Doctoral Student Council at Faculty or University level. This will allow them to develop soft skills, and acquaint with the administrative structure of the University. Active members of the Council will, in collaboration with the Dean and Rector, take part in the process of creating research initiatives and administrative procedures.

University of Wrocław provides a scholarship of approximately 2000 PLN per month for all Doctoral Students, with its obligatory increase up to around 3000 PLN after two years, subject to a positive mid-term evaluation of their progress with the individual research plan. Students can also apply for internal grants, as well as become salaried members of projects led by other Faculty scientists. After the second year of studies and positive result of mid-term evaluation, doctoral students can be employed as academic teachers, gaining valuable professional experience.