„100 lat teorii względności w Polsce”

W najbliższy piątek 17. grudnia 2021 r. o godz. 12:15 w sali Rzewuskiego podczas seminarium IFT wystąpi prof. Richard Kerner, który wygłosi prelekcję pt. „Hundred years of Relativity Theory in Poland”.

W seminarium będzie można także uczestniczyć zdalnie. Link do spotkania:

Plakat seminarium IFT dnia 17 grudnia 2021

Poniżej zaproszenie wystosowane przez prof. Davida Blaschke:


Dear Colleagues, Dear Students,

It is my big pleasure to invite you to the last Institute Seminar of the calendar year 2021, to which prof. Kowalski-Glikman invited prof. Richard Kerner (Sorbonne, Paris) who will speak about „Hundred years of Relativity Theory in Poland”, a detailed Abstract is appended below. This invitation is also extended to colleagues and students from the Institute of Experimental Physics and the Institute of Astronomy.

The seminar will start at 12:15 in the Rzewuski Hall (room 60). We will shortly decide about the possibility to make this seminar accessible online and inform you in this case about the corresponding link.

Looking forward to meeting you in the Seminar!


David Blaschke
Vice-Director IFT for Research


“Hundred Years of Relativity Theory in Poland”

Richard Kermer(SorbonneParis):


The history of the Theory of Relativity in Poland is related primarily to the Warsaw school,and began in pre-war times. Then Leopold Infeld’s return to Poland played a great role in raising the next generation of relativists; including Andrzej Trautman. Further contributions of Polish physicists and mathematicians to the development of Relativity Theory will be presented along with its applications, particularly in astrophysics. The achievements of the Krakow school will also be mentioned.

Date: 17.12.2021, 12 c.t., Rzewuski hall